Ivan Maksim Lebedinsky

Elizabeth Whitney Sanders

Mother: Svetlana Maksimovna Lebedinsky
Father: Ivan Artemovich Lebedinsky

Raisa Ivanovna Lebedinsky

Born and Raised
Moscow, Russia
Twinbrook, California

July 13th

Dance instructor at Lebedinsky Dance Studio

Sean was born in Moscow, Russia and raised in Twinbrook. He's bisexual who favors males and little bit more, but still finds females extremely attractive. Dancer since the age of 9, and a 6 time Latin Ballroom Champion. He's Elizabeth's dance partner, and she's an 8 time Latin Ballroom Champion. Pretty much the best dance couple. He has an odd fetish. He like to smell the armpits of his partner. Surprisingly, Elizabeth loves it when he does that to her.

Lebedinsky House